Thursday, January 05, 2006

welcome to the world of...

because it's a wonderful world.
no, i'm not high...just happy.
happy to have awesome friends and great family.
so if you are one of those, thank you and we love you.
if you're not one of those, my name is kyle....nice to meet ya. can we be friends?


Blogger tim said...

I just read your latest post and it made me go peepee

11:06 AM  
Blogger Subhlimin Ali said...

i love families. but, unfortunately, all my records were destroyed in a whorehouse fire back in '83. sad sad day in my life, you know...

i mean, how the heck do i really know who my family is. you just can't trust too many folks. there's people who say, "hey! we're your family - have a bite to eat." but i know they're trying to fool me.

why i can still remember the days whenn i'd sit on the porch and drink five 20 oz. bottles of pepsi and just hold my birth certificate while i tried to memorize all the numbers on my social-security card. but those days are gone, friend!

let me tell you something, though. you just rest assured, i'm not feeling sorry for myself. today i plan to eat a dozen donuts and climb up on the roof to work on the antennas. super bowl's comin' up. there's a lot to do.

7:43 AM  
Blogger ZombieKiller14 said...

nice to have you back, sammy.
i've got some reading to do on your blog.

12:04 PM  

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