Friday, October 12, 2007

from the greenroom...

preview #2
so here i am backstage again...
here's some pics by me.

the second preview is going well...we're ramping up to our big gala opening tomorrow. it'll be great to do the show with a full day of rest behind it. we are all pretty exhausted but tonight's show definitely has more energy than last night's. it's friday after all. and we've got a few people in the house. or the hise as we like to call it. ahh, the irish accent. i feel like i'm typing in an accent right now.
we're also still discovering moments that we can share with one another.
this show has the feel of a show that we will always be tweaking and adding little nuances. it's a very rewarding process and show for sure.
all the same...i can't wait to sleep in tomorrow.


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