Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Memorial Day!!!

Carm: Should I fire the grill back up?

Andy: I've had, like, seven hot dogs

Carm: You need more meat!

Andy: Is hot dog meat?

Carm: Close enough.

Andy: Okay.....put some ketchup on it.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

The view from behind home plate...

Shannon and I went to the Cubs vs. Nationals game on tuesday night with Nic from CLAS and his girlfriend Michelle. We bought these tix for half face value cause apparently people don't go see the cubs when they are playing badly. I root for the cubs all the time.

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Fried stuff is good.

It was Katy Dailey's Birthday and we went to Geja's Fondue and ate cheese, and bread, and shrimp, and beef, and lobster, and chicken, and vegtables. It was super yummy.

Moment's after this picture was taken Vanessa almost burnt down the entire resteraunt.

Stinkin' Scallops.

The sliver of face on the right is me. I think the waiter was secretly wishing I wasn't there in hopes of running away with my beautiful wife.

Stinikin' waiters.