Saturday, October 20, 2007

october twenty

so shannon made cookies for tonight's show...
and i took pictures but they aren't uploading for whatever reason.
there are some great pictures of anita in a blonde wig and me in an astronaut's helmet so you'll just have to wait to see those.

on a side note, my folks are in town and we watched OU beat Iowa State today. so that was good. my mom took pictures, too. she does that.

Friday, October 19, 2007

a week later...

Aristocrats has been Jeff Recommended and we had some good reviews in Time Out Chicago, the Sun-Times and we were on WBEZ's Dueling Critics on Eight-Forty-Eight this morning.
And we did our stagechannel shoot last night so that should be up pretty soon.
bloody good, eh!
so here's some pics that himself took of tonight's show...

Sunday, October 14, 2007

press opening...

here we are back at the dog.
last night went well.
we had a champagne toast after the show it was great to feel a little relaxation.
press opening seems to be going well so far.

yikes...shannon just screamed at it scared's part of the show. you'll understand when you see it.
no pics tonight. more pics and more indepth coverage later.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

gala opening...

here's a pic of us all before we got places...
missing from the pic is Jack McCabe. He was already in place...
i'll take some pics from the party tonight and put em up tomorrow.

Friday, October 12, 2007

from the greenroom...

preview #2
so here i am backstage again...
here's some pics by me.

the second preview is going well...we're ramping up to our big gala opening tomorrow. it'll be great to do the show with a full day of rest behind it. we are all pretty exhausted but tonight's show definitely has more energy than last night's. it's friday after all. and we've got a few people in the house. or the hise as we like to call it. ahh, the irish accent. i feel like i'm typing in an accent right now.
we're also still discovering moments that we can share with one another.
this show has the feel of a show that we will always be tweaking and adding little nuances. it's a very rewarding process and show for sure.
all the same...i can't wait to sleep in tomorrow.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

i'm currently backstage of our first preview of Aristocrats. I have some downtime in Act 1 so i thought i would throw something up on the blog.

Here's some pics taken by Chris Ocken.

It's been a lot of fun working on this show even though we all look quite serious.

Rick is very enthusiastic with his notes which is always fun. And it's been great working with this cast...we've been using a speech that Mike found online to get ourselves pumped up for the's a rugby captain speaking to his team to get them pumped up. It's really quite good.

got to go ait to the hise niw.

more later.
